First major snowstorm of the year. Yesterday we were basically snowed in, until Brad's snow removal team could get to our driveway. When the tractor sold I hired a company to cut the grass in the summer and to clear the driveway in the winter. I still have to shovel my way around the house and to the barn. though. Quote from the Brad: "We don't shovel!". Also, I'm a bit at their mercy when it comes to timing. No big deal, however, as our dirt roads are not getting plowed quickly any venture out has to be very necessary.
I had stocked up on horse, dog, cat, and human food (notice the order of importance!) ahead of time, so we are fine hunkering down for some days. My biggest worry was that we lose power, not uncommon in our wooded area. Not sure that I could get the generator going, but luckily, I can call on Laurel, and there are also a couple of generator-savvy neighbors that might be able to help. Still, not a position I want to find myself in.
It looks very pretty. As the saying goes, though, "pretty is as pretty does" - dealing with all this snow is a major pain. I so appreciate my friends and the community of horse women in the area. We text to check in on each other to see if everything's OK, if anyone needs anything. And after night check I have to let Donna know that I'm safely back in the house. Knowing that I have a village (albeit a tiny one) around me keeps my spirits up and the loneliness at bay.
View from my kitchen window - BEFORE it snowed all night! Love the solar lanterns |
During breaks between shoveling snow and manure, feeding the crew, and drinking liters of tea (thank you, Stephanie!) I started reading "The Horsewoman" by James Patterson. It's rather cheesy and predictable, and some of the statements are just wrong, for example there are several references on "patting the horse on the side of the head" (while mounted). That would require to crank the horse's head all around, not exactly proper. But it's entertaining, and I do enjoy the references to Wellington. Brings back fond memories of happier times. And hey, major selling point: There is a horse on the cover!