My friend and trail buddy Jen told me about WE and said it is a cool sport we should try. It's also called "Dressage on Steroids" - and surely, what's not to like about that??
Putting my Christmas present to good use |
I had picked up a flyer announcing an intro clinic close to home, Jen signed us up. On Sunday we loaded the boys and off we went on our adventure, not really knowing what to expect (neither of us knew the farm or the instructors).
Rach Riding Academy hosts shows and numerous clinics, so the set up for trailer parking was easy - a relief as I dread having to back into small spaces. They had even turnout paddocks prepared for all the participant horses (about 10), which was an unexpected treat. The boys got to chill during the intro part for the riders. Then it was time to go out and play. There were several arenas set up with all kinds of interesting things (bridges, barrels, small jumps, fake steers, etc.). We got introduced to the garrocha, a 8 foot or 10 foot pole the rider carries and, in our case, picks up rings mounted on a barrel. The horses got introduced to the garrocha from the ground. Remy thought it meant piaffe, which was quite fun.
Chambord truly found his calling, he was a champ, did everything without a hesitation and was super happy and relaxed throughout. Remy was very good with all inanimate things, but a bit leery of some of the other horses, especially a flashy Gypsy Vanner stallion. We had one 'spicy' moment, when a horse jumped at an awkward angle and then took off right behind Remy. A few spins later, and we were back in the game. Whew.
Who doesn't like 'herd' a unicorn? |
Remy was not impressed with the fake steer |
I can see why the 'dressage' part: The horses have to be on the aids and supple. Some of the exercises we got introduced to: 8m circles in patterns around barrels with change of direction; square halts in between two poles and then transferring an object with one hand, picking up rings with the garrocha, going over bridges, ringing overhead bells, going down drops, jumping small obstacles.
What a fun outing!