Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In from London - Out to Illinois

Just back from a busy week in London, business trip with some fun thrown in for good measure. I hadn't been to London in ages, so it was fun to explore the city. The business part of it contained “The Bands of the Household Division on Horse Guards Parade” to which we invited customers. The description read “it will be a magical extravaganza of military pomp and ceremony and an opportunity to experience an unforgettable evening of British pageantry at its very best”. Well, then… 

Luckily one of our team members is a Brigadier General in the British Army, and he arranged for me to get a private tour of the stables. It was a great experience, I learned a lot of interesting facts and got drooled on by the General’s horse. The evening’s performance featured a female officer singing Adele’s ‘Skyfall’, during which an officer’s horse laid down. When the song finished the officer stepped next to the horse and jumped on as it got up. Very cool!

Back home, it meant packing again. This time it’s different luggage, as Remy and I are hitting the road. Remy left this morning on a big Semi with seven other Topline horses for Lamplight. Due to work I’ll be following tomorrow. It’s exciting and also a bit nerve-wracking, I've never been to a show that far away; Lamplight boosts stabling for 450 horses in barns, with a total capacity of 1,000 when adding the tents. As the Europeans call it “American Supersizing”. 

So, I’ll hit the road bright and early tomorrow and see what the next four days will bring. My last rides on Remy haven’t been as smooth as I would have liked them to be, mainly due to me being tired. Good thing I can count on Judy finding the right mix of encouragement coupled with reminders to “wear my big girl pants” to get us through this!

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