Thursday, November 2, 2017

Mud baths?? - and "Yep, he's a couch potato"

Country living undoubtedly has its challenges. Currently on our list: A brand new well! Our old well is about 50 years old, too shallow, and pumping up dirt with the water.  My bathtub looked like I was taking mud baths. So, let the digging commence. Perfect day to start was Halloween, scary because of the $$$$$ required. It started out well (no pun intended) - then today we were told that at 120 ft (approx. 40m) the water is clear, but there is not enough of it to supply both house and barn. More digging to be done tomorrow...

Sometimes I have to shake my head: Here we live in one of the most developed countries in the world, and we have to pump our own water. And when we have storms more likely then not we need to rely on our generator, because we lose power. (BTW, no power = no water).

Aside from this -and my badly scratched GTI- (that's another story), life is good. Judy rode Remy yesterday and had a dozen clean changes. My turn today wasn't near as good, but I was very happy with my ride. As Jan had pointed out so aptly "Birgit, Remy is a couch potato!", it's high time to get Remy off the couch and working, so I don't have to breathe so hard. If I set the tone right from the beginning Remy says "oh, OK, sure". However, he won't put an effort in it if I don't ask. It's like expecting a guy to take the trash out or clean the cat litter box: Most likely he'll do it but not without being nudged*.

Judy explained it today as "You are the brains, he is the brawn" -  Remy begs to differ!

*And here JP begs to differ (what's it with my guys??). Although, it's true, JP takes out the trash, I give him that. As for the cat litter boxes... definitely some spur required!

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