Thursday, September 12, 2024

The perfect souvenir: Handmade wool reins - and a text that makes my day

 During the ride we stopped at goat and sheep farm, where the owner also has a small store in the loft of her barn. She sells items made from her animals, such as wool, hand knitted sweaters, woven blankets, etc. I spotted the woven wool reins, and immediately thought they'd be a perfect and practical souvenir. When do you ever know who made an item and how? 

Remy sporting his new reins

I did post the photo of Remy with his new reins on FB, and this morning I got a message from my friend Glenda:

"Good morning, Birgit! I saw your post with Remy and the new reins.  Very cool. And such a wonderful memory every time you take up the reins!! I always look into a horse’s eye to see where they are in life.  Look at Remy’s eye, as I am sure you do.  But Remy’s eye is happy, contented, at peace. That is unusual for horses today, I think.  Most are worried, sad, or confused and ready to defend.  It was so good to see Remy’s eye.  It made me have faith in the horse world again to see a horse just so peacefully calm and present in life.  We so seldom see it now. I know he may kick up his heels and be a horse now and then but most likely is out of glee and mischief than anything else."

Glenda is a lifelong horsewoman (she trained for years with Gabor Foltenyi), a dressage judge, and one of the most passionate and educated horse people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. I know she will always honestly and exactly give her opinion, so this message made my day. 

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