It seems I finally got the hang of dealing with the spooking by the door: outside rein, inside leg and ABSOLUTELY no bend to the inside! That goes so against what I had been taught before "bend him to the inside and make him go by". But hey, it works!!
The other area we worked on where the turns, most of the time I struggle with having the haunches leading. So Sandy was really persistent about turning with the inside rein, leaving the outside leg neutral, then straighten on the center line. What helps me remembering to turn my torso correctly is thinking of turning the zipper of my vest, and keeping my neck and head in line with it.
I also had a lesson on Chambord, who is just such a different ride, but requires the same basics: keeping my back loose! This has always been my problem and I still struggle with finding a way to keep my back relaxed. But Chambord worked really well, too, he's made so much progress and is a fun ride.
It was one of those days where you get off your horses and you think you own the world :-)
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