Monday, February 21, 2011

Is it him or is it me?

Ah, horses are just such great levelers. When you think you have it figured out they make sure that you don't get too cocky. After the awesome ride on Saturday I thought all will be well on Sunday. Think again. The light came through the door differently and Saumur decided to have nothing to do with this. Sure enough, I went back to the old habits (learned a long time ago at some cowboy clinics) to spin him around - not only that, but to Sandy's disgust, to spin him to the FORBIDDEN inside! Will I ever get it??? My mind knows better, my body just can't seem to follow it - so much for mind over matter.

I cheated and opened the door. We both relaxed and went by fine, even in the canter.  But then of course Sandy wouldn't let us get away with it - and closed the door. We finished on a good note but I was drenched in sweat from all that nervous tension. And the point is:  it's me - not him! The argument of "he started it" pretty much fell on deaf ears. I'm the one who should just deal with it in a more mature and educated way - yeah, right. Open the darn door :-)!

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