Yesterday a 'long lost friend' visited us at the barn. I've met Stephanie a long time ago when we were both showing at what was then called Willow Ridge, and then we lost touch over the years. Thanks to Facebook we recently connected again, which is great. Long story short, Steph came to watch my lesson on Saumur. In addition to her there were a few more people huddled on Judy's heated (!) bench. Instead of getting rattled like I used to about being watched - and being paranoid about not riding well enough (in my mind) - I enjoyed showing off Saumur. And, old couple that we are, he tuned into it and we had a great ride, including clean changes!
Today I had another two good lessons. While cantering with Remy down the longside at a quite 'lively' speed I called out: "This is so much fun!". It made me wonder afterwards: Who flipped my switch?? All of a sudden the confidence that got buried along the way this year is resurfacing. Yeah, let's keep that switch on the "ON" position!
Good advise, wrapped up in a funny way: While I cooled out Remy today the next lesson was taking place and the horse spooked a bit at the snow under the door (must have had a talk with Saumur). So here comes: "Move his hind end towards the spooky object, his hind end doesn't have eyes". So true... I'll remember that one!