Thursday, December 13, 2012

Europe and back - missing the boys

Finally, home again! While I had a good business and personal trip to France and Germany, I really missed the boys (four- and two-legged). Judy and JP kept me posted, but it’s like withdrawal from my drug of choice.

Snow in the French Alps – instead of worrying on how to get  up the mountain in a rental car not equipped for snow covered roads I am imagining cantering through the powdery snow. Good thing I wasn’t driving!

In Germany I came closer to horses, my dad took me to Loesdau, my favorite tack shop. Well, actually, it’s more the Nordstrom version of a tack store. While my dad was patiently sitting in the “coffee corner” I was enjoying ‘horse junkies heaven’. The trip netted overflowing shopping bags, and the fleeting thought on how to get it all in my suitcase.
It’s amazing, on the way from the tack store back to my parents there are literally riding stables everywhere. Very well designed and modern stables, outfitted with the latest technologies (i.e. solariums). But even with all the bells and whistles offered (micro chips so the horses’ eating, sleeping, moving can be monitored)  – I prefer right where we are. A look out of my kitchen window provides similar information and is much more fun!

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