Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pure Luxury - and smiling through my lesson

This morning I woke up at 7 am with the wonderful feeling that I did spend two hours more than usual slumbering, and that JP already had fed the boys. Ah, in my mind, pure luxury: 11 days without having to get up not just at the crack of dawn, no - I get up way before dawn during the week. Our offices are closed until January 2,  so for the first time this year I have this much time off. (Yes, to you Europeans reading this: It's nuts!).

I am so looking forward to riding every day, going to yoga classes, catching up with old friends, eating great food... it sure will be tough to get back into the swing of things in January. Or, perhaps I will be happy to get back on the 'treadmill' - who knows?? (I do have some doubts...)

The boys had some time off this week as Judy's arena got new footing. We took them home for playtime, and they sure made good use of it. I tried not to cringe and think "don't break your legs!!" looking out the window and seeing the running, kicking, bucking going on in full swing. Luckily, they are all very solid and not prone to injuries (knocking on my head, uh, wood).

We took Remy and Chambord to Judy's today. JP was riding Chambord while I had my lesson on Remy. It was one of those times where you can't help yourself but smile because everything feels so good. Even when Remy pitched a little fit when Chambord left the arena I didn't get rattled. Judy has a great way of keeping us going. Remy is getting more and more consistant, and speaks the proud 'mother'... he does look stunning. I'm feeling a bit guilty, because it's almost like I'm unfaithful to Saumur. But really, I am now getting the feeling that we are working as one. I told Judy that he felt like he was completely even underneath me. She agreed: "Well, yes, you have him on the outside rein". OK, having him "balanced between my legs" sounds less sophisticated than "he's on the outside rein". And no double entendre on this one!

The glow and smile from the great lesson vanished a bit earlier this evening when I was trying to write the blog on my new IPad. The IPad came with my new car -  Yes, they give you an IPad so you can program your car... That part definitely went better than the typing.  Drove myself out of Detroit safely last night, which to me felt like a big accomplishment. BTW, the Faberge exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts and dinner with my friend Brenda made the nail biting experience of driving through "the zone" worth it - although I had my finger pointed steadily on the emergency call button in my car.

Tomorrow we have lessons with all three. Aiming for more smiles, or even a grin!

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