Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Plan your ride - ride your plan

OK, that’s pretty much plagiarized from the old foxhunting mantra “Plan your Hunt – Hunt your Plan”. Still, gotta have a plan – and my plan is very easy: Keep my hind end in the saddle!

Saumur has had me well trained over the years. I have been riding more or less in a modified two-point position, not willing to put my (whopping) weight into the saddle for fear of upsetting Saumur. As soon as he spooked I became even lighter in the saddle, so as not to disturb him. Not sure where that logic came from – certainly not from a dressage book or instructor.

With Remy it is really important that he feels me firm and steady in the saddle as it gives him confidence. With Judy’s help I’ve been working hard on improving my position and it’s coming together now. No (especially undeserved) flattery from Jude, so I was really happy when she commented yesterday “you have always been a pretty rider, but now you are an effective one”. Hohes Lob aus berufenem Munde! That made me really happy.

Plan my ride: Keeping my butt firmly glued to the saddle. Ride my plan: Someone better be ready to pluck me off afterwards!


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