Monday, June 8, 2015

I'm working on my head - and some interesting conversations

“Working on my head” means addressing the bouts of anxiety I am still experiencing. Flashbacks to being thrown, to be precise. I am embarrassed to admit it, after all, there are people breaking bones or worse and get on with it. From a rational standpoint I know very well that it was a freak accident, but my mind doesn’t seem to be convinced. Enter Julie, certified Hypnotherapist. She had helped me in the past and so I booked another session. If nothing else (not to diminish her talents in any way!) I always leave deeply relaxed.

After the session we chatted a bit and Julie offered to come to our place and treat Remy also. I was rather skeptical, to be honest. Hypnotherapy I can grasp and see where it helps – but talking with a horse? Nevertheless, I thought it can’t hurt, and so Remy had his session.

It was really interesting to see how he reacted, I had him loose on a leadrope in the barn and Julie was sitting in a chair in front of him. Remy didn’t move, but I could see how his ears were going back and forth showing that he was indeed engaged in some non-verbal communication. He was relaxed the entire time, deeply sighing. Julie said she could feel that he has the biggest heart ever, Remy wants to please, and that he is a real sweetheart.

So.. how did the conversation go? Well, Remy communicated that he felt really shocked and guilty about what happened and that his biggest fear is  that “he gets send away again”. Now, that is interesting. I never told Julie about his past. Remy was sold as a six month old and got shipped from California to Montana. From there he was sold as a three year old and subsequently had to travel across the country to get to us. Remy also mentioned that he doesn’t always like his work (hah!), it is sometimes too constraining and he likes to be free. Hmm… buddy, wouldn’t we all like this!

Still, I take the hints: We’ll make sure the work is appropriate, the playtime is ample – and yes, it is a lifetime commitment for both of us. So, where’s my ring? J

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