Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rained out - but not washed out

Waterloo lived up to its name "Water" (and actually IMO the "Loo" isn't too far fetched either). First show this season and it started hot and sunny with temps in the mid 80s. Remy was pretty chill, schooled well in the new arenas. The Waterloo Hunt Club did a very nice job in re-arranging the layout in preparation for the Regional Finals.

The plan was for Judy to show Remy Friday and Saturday in order to get him (and yours truly!) into the swing of things. Then I would chime in Saturday and Sunday. Ah, the best laid plans... Remy's 'Premiere' at 2nd3 was off to a very good start: 68.049% despite some glitches on Friday. Saturday the weather changed and storms moved in, right when I was about to get him ready. There was no room to longe, and Remy -sensing my anxiety- tried to get my focus back: By a well placed pinch in my arm. Ouch! Then the heavens opened and I decided to scratch.

Judy had a later ride and -as usual- did an awesome job: 68.78% from our 'nemesis', Hilda Gurney. Hilda had placed Remy last at Regionals, way below the other judges. We didn't have high expectations even though it was a very good ride. However, the score and comments were right on: "Nice uphill horse, shows correct collection for this level; well ridden". Thank you, Hilda. And of course, Jude, you are the BEST!!

It went downhill from there - weather-wise. The temps dropped 40 degrees overnight, with constant heavy rains and high winds. "Cold and miserable" are the words that fit the situation to a 'T'. Most of the competitors, with the exception of a few very hardy souls, scratched today.

Clearly, I am not one of the hardy souls! We got to the show grounds early this morning, I scratched, we loaded gear and horse and drove home. Remy was greeted by his three buddies and all four decided on an instant party by happily running and bucking in the pastures.

My 'welcome home party' consisted of going through huge piles of dirty horse and human laundry. Somehow I just didn't feel like running and bucking through muddy pastures, wonder why??

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