Monday, May 4, 2015

"Little man" is growing up - and a bit of a 'weighty' issue

Two awesome rides with Jan this weekend, Sunday building up on Saturday – I couldn’t be happier! Remy was right on both days, never wavered, never complained: Just a stellar student. Luckily JP videoed the rides, so I can put more detailed notes on Jan’s exercises and comments together.

Overall, Jan wanted Remy to be rounder, with more engagement in his hind quarters, and more responsive to my aids. Same as we are working on with Judy. And without Judy’s meticulous preparation we wouldn’t have had nearly as good rides as we did. Jan added the ‘extra edge’ to it, and at the end of day two we had true collection and Remy was on my seat and legs. We hardly had any walk breaks, but luckily we both are in good shape (or so I thought, more later on the subject). I made a point of praising Remy often, which clearly motivates him and keeps him going.

I guess the picture taken at the end of our lesson shows how happy we are (and no, I didn't ride as crooked as I looked when the photo was taken).

Speaking of being in good shape: First thing Jan said when he saw Remy was “well, he looks like he came good through the winter”. I took it as a compliment – until Jan clarified that he found Remy to be quite on the chubby side. Oops. I guess when you see a horse through the eyes of love you don’t notice subtle (or not so subtle) changes in weight. 

Fortunately, Remy’s weight gain has an easy explanation: While both Judy and I were traveling Remy had a week off to lounge in the pastures, enjoying the food lovingly served by JP. Easy remedy (sorry, buddy): More work, less pay … but only until you are back to your svelte self. No need to send for the union rep from “Sporthorses United, Local 101”! 

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