Friday, May 22, 2015

"Hi, my name is Saumur and I'm a HSH with a HSP"

My daily perusal of the WSJ led me to a huge eye opener. No, not regarding the stock market, hedge funds, M&A's... it came in the form of an article titled "Don't take it the wrong way, you may be highly sensitive". Well, OK, I already knew that I'm a bit on the sensitive side. But when I took the test I fit neatly into the HSP "Highly Sensitive Person" category. One of the questions: "When I compete I become so nervous or shaky that I do much worse than I would otherwise">.

Other signs of HSP's are being conscientious, deeply moved by arts or music, having a rich and complex inner life (isn't that the truth!), getting overwhelmed by strong smells (JP is very familiar with that one: "Ugh, ca pue ici!"). So, yep, that all fits me pretty well. Other items on the questionnaire weren't a match, so I guess I'm borderline. Hey, who needs a shrink we you can do a Google search??

If I apply it to the boys then Saumur scores off the charts, while Remy is definitely borderline. According to the article this is not a disorder (good!) or a condition, rather "it is an innate, permanent trait" (sorry, JP, guess you have to live with Saumur and me 'as is' - it's not going to get better).

So, Saumur's new intro goes like this: "Hi, my name is Saumur, and I am a HSH with a HSP".

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