Thursday, July 16, 2015

Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel - through a different approach

Well, we lived to tell the tale of another Waterloo! Got there, noticed that they added another arena – just where Remy and I had our unfortunate parting. It used to be a warm up arena, now it’s for competition. Awesome, let’s scratch this one off my list. And that’s just what I did, went to the show office and asked if they could stick me anywhere else but there. OK, at a lower level,  but with a goal of “stay on and in” not an issue.

Remy freaked out in the warm up, he also had an “unfortunate, unexcused exit” and thus got himself and Judy eliminated. Saturday I made it around, barely, and by Sunday it took about all I had to ride this test. Scores were so-so, 60s, we can definitely do better.

It was just all pretty emotional, and I really question if this is really what I want to do. No fun, only stress. Yes, after a year I finally made it through not one but two tests at Waterloo, but it left me empty – exhausted, frustrated, and questioning why in the world am I doing this (dressage shows).

It’s a good thing that I’m leaving for Europe on Saturday, it gives me a break and time to consider the next steps. Actually, the next steps are lined up:  Glenda recommended a horseman, Brandt, that helped with her young horse. I spoke with him yesterday and was quite encouraged. Remy needs to get over his issues mainly in the warmup. Brandt trains the Mounted Police, so he offered for Remy to participate. Also, Remy might go to the Rodeo! No, not as a bucking bronc, but as the flag horse. Brandt announces rodeos and also gallops with the flag at the opening. Who knows, perhaps one day it will be me??

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