Friday, August 7, 2015

Not much of a 'welcome back' - the footing hates me!

Well, the trip to Europe was great. I had never been to Turin before and I discovered a very charming city and met some lovely people. Paris, of course, what can I say? Je t'aime! Then Stuttgart, where I had a wonderful time with my parents and friends. JP was holding down the fort at home, managing the contractor plus shepherding a multitude of workers pounding away on our addition / remodeling project. All the while taking care of all the critters, and -oops- getting bumped off Chambord (but that one he tried to brush off lightly).

After the trip I had some days off and was hoping I could arrange for some sessions with Brandt, the horseman that had offered during our first phone call to help me work on Remy's issues. Alas, so far, no luck tracking him down.

However, the real bummer came when I was all pumped up to go back to my lessons at Judy's: The new footing received another ingredient based on shredded athletic shoes while I was gone. Just walking into the indoor made me gasp for air - and I wasn't even on Remy yet. It went downhill from there, with me fighting for every breath and coughing. What now??

Off I went to buy a case of face masks, and showed up stylishly made up, sporting a face mask (a certain entertainer comes to mind) to my next lesson. I got very hot and sweaty under the mask, and my lungs hurt afterwards. On the bright side, though, I had a great ride. Go figure. Actually, that's exactly it: I figured out that Remy needed to be quickly and honestly in front of my leg and on the aids as I just didn't have the breath to push and cajole him into work.

So yes, thank you, Footing: You helped me figure something very valuable out. But you better air out, settle down, whatever, pronto! - because otherwise I won't be able to hang out with you.

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