Sunday, August 16, 2015

An equine Lothario... and no girls allowed

Remy's introduction to Brandt's herd didn't go as smoothly as planned: Girls! Remy remembered the "Good old days" and -in typical guy fashion- had one thing on his mind. Brandt moved him to the other herd, but when we checked on him yesterday what did we see: Remy being totally 'attentive' to a very cute mare. I was chopped liver to him, but it was kind of cute to see how he was doing the equine version of 'wining and dining', and then pulling out all (foreplay) stops. A true equine Lothario!

However, Remy needs to concentrate on his work and should be hanging out with the guys, so I think he moves to a "Guys only" dorm - excluding frat parties!

* Definition of LOTHARIO. : a man whose chief interest is seducing women.

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