Thursday, August 13, 2015

Auf zu neuen Ufern - trying something completely new

Well, today we’ll go and try something completely new: Away from traditional dressage training and onto working with a horseman that trains the mounted police and participates in rodeos.

I was able to get a hold of Brandt* this week, and knowing how busy he is, I jumped at the opportunity when he offered me to bring Remy to his farm today. It meant rearranging our plans – and luckily Judy supports us ‘going off the reservation’. Originally the plan was to go to Waterloo next week, put the big girl pants on, and try to survive the warm up ring. I have to admit that it doesn’t break my heart to sit that one out.

In talking with Brandt we established a plan of him working Remy  in the round pen amidst his horses, and then moving it out to other areas. Remy is also slated for training with the mounted police (i.e. getting used to gun shots, fireworks, formations). If all goes according to plan, any show ground, crowded warm up area, blaring speakers should be a piece of cake!

It’s exciting, but I’m also quite nervous. Yesterday on NPR I listened to a report about parents immersing their children in other cultures: Mono-lingual English speaking parents sending their kids to a Kindergarten where the only language used is Mandarin.  Guess it will be similar for Remy - he will have his very own ‘cultural immersion’!

*Brandt Clark, Professional Horseman,

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