Saturday, December 9, 2017

A new resolve - and he still amazes me

Resolve = "Decide firmly on a course of action"

It was a bit of a bumpy road back to riding, marred by my being sick, but now Remy and I are finally  back into the swing of things. I am full of my new found resolve to be the leader that Remy needs: I will not get rattled when he tries to get out of work by resorting to antics!  Experiencing the show in Stuttgart was really an eye opener: All the horses performed at the top level in the very charged atmosphere (8,000 screaming people and music blasting) ... and I worry about Remy shying in Judy's indoor arena?! Really?!

So during the last rides I really buckled down and stayed focused. Sure enough, Remy did the same. Hmm - Duh! Things are going well, Remy is more through, and I think we are very close to nailing the changes consistently. It would be presumptuous to think that me currently still pretty much dilettante attempts using the Masterson Method make a big difference, but I do think it helps. Can't wait for the advanced course in Tucson in January (and yes, leaving Michigan in the midst of winter for sunny Arizona is an added perk).

Today was a cold, snowy and blustery day - and  I had another reminder how JP still wows me after 28 years together:
He came home asking if we had a spare horse blanket we could donate "because the horse down the road looks cold".
How many men would do this??

And yes, we did have a clean blanket - and the 20 year old Standardbred recently rescued will be sporting it.

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