Chambord had been acting very uncharacteristically under saddle lately, starting to buck after about 10 minutes into the ride, especially when ridden with light contact. His teeth checked out fine, so we figured the saddle might be the culprit. Sure enough, when Luanne measured him it turned out the saddle was too and 'wobbling' on Chambord's back. The resulting pressure points obviously made Chambord uncomfortable, and Chambord is not one to suffer silently. He shows it in no uncertain ways when things are not right.
Once the saddle was adjusted both JP and Chambord let out a big sigh. Off they went down the road, with Luanne and me smiling behind them.
Remy -uh, his saddle- only needed a bit extra stuffing. The wool had settled a bit as our new Tribute saddle is breaking in. I do love this saddle, thankfully! I think Luanne would quit on us if I'd say we need to find something else... after all, I did try almost the entire range before choosing the Tribute.
So the saddles are fixed - but Remy and I won't need a saddle for the clinic with Marius Schreiner this week. Marius is a Bereiter from the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, and I have signed us up for long-reining and in-hand work. I am very much looking forward to this.
And then, the "pièce de résistance*": our annual trip to the Kentucky 4Star 3-Day event! (It will always be "The Rolex" for us, even though the sponsorship has changed.)
It's our anniversary, and what a great way to celebrate: World class horses and riders (Michael Jung!) followed by fabulous dinners at Le Deauville in Lexington.