I finally had to face the reality: My breathing issues caused by some kind of allergic reaction to the arena footing are not allowing me to ride to my full potential. I barely make it through the warm up and then I am drenched in sweat (even on very cold days) while gasping for air. While my masks are advertised for sports, it's for sports that don't require too much aerobic activity, such as motorcycling.
I can't take the meds as they make me drowsy - not something you want to be when you pull a 1200 pound passenger behind you - aside from the fact that it's simply too dangerous.
So with a heavy heart I told Judy about my decision to leave. I am really quite sad, leaving after six years of working together, through good times and challenges. However, the lack of air (don't know how to better describe it) made the good times more and more elusive: Me gasping for air, Remy wondering what's going on 'up there' (and sometimes taking advantage of the situation), and Judy wondering if/when I'd faint. We all gave it a good, long try but there comes a time when trying alone is not improving the situation.
I will always be very grateful for all the help, support, dedication and hard work Judy put into us. We've come a long way, baby: From Intro to Third Level. From the bottom of my heart: Thanks for everything, Jude! And no worries, I'll have a stash of chocolate with me when I see you at the shows.
It doesn't help that as I'm writing this we are having an ice storm. Our outdoor arena is a sheet of ice, and not much improvement in the forecast. Hard not to get depressed, but then, as Judy would say "It's not cancer and nobody died". Puts it all in perspective, doesn't it?
I'll regroup and see what will be next, when one door closes another one opens - maybe not exactly in the ideal time frame, but eventually it will. At least, until now, summer never got canceled!
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