Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Contrasts - Dark Times and Bright Spots

Back from a quite difficult and emotional time in Germany. I concentrated so hard on keeping my emotions in check and working with Michael, my brother, on all the open items that the implications of Emil's death haven't even caught up with me yet. I spoke at the service and to the surprise of many I did not sugar-coat his "I did it my way" attitude (the pastor said my words were "strong and honest") and carried the urn with his remains to its final resting place under a beautiful tree.

My way of coping with stress is to walk or run in the woods, and so after all was said and done I went to the "Baerensee" ('Bear Lake'). Thinking of Emil I saw the light shine through the tree and how fitting it was to the quote I chose for the obituary:

Death is the light at the end of a journey that has become too difficult
 - Franz von Assisi

In all the grief there were so many bright spots: Family and friends. That is what life is all about. Ours is a small family, and I have few truly close friends, but that is all it takes to feel love and support. 

The news from home were bright spots as well, with Remy being in Roz' care. Not only that, he also made it on the cover of the Morgan Dressage Association's newsletter:

While I will always mourn my dad I am thankful for the new-found closeness it brought to our family. And here is to bright days ahead!

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