Friday, May 31, 2019

A week in pictures - with quite a few "Whews"!

Out in our 'extended backyard' Kensington - where we found out that the boys are "Turkey Proof". Whew!
JP and Chambord are doing a good job over ground poles
Until Chambord decides he needs to spice things up. JP stayed on and with him. Whew!
 (picture: Norman Thelwell)
Still not enough 'spice' for JP: This is what I saw when I came home! "Whew" was replaced by "WT*???"
My friend Stephanie affectionately calls him "das franzoesische Kletteraeffchen*"
A good week training for us: Remy and I have enough spice, thank you very much! Back to "Whew"!

*"A little French tree-climbing monkey"

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