Monday, June 3, 2019

Should have known better - and the resident chouchoteur has the anwer

Sunday's trailride didn't exactly turn out as expected, Remy was uncharacteristically nervous and jumpy. His back felt so tight that I hopped off and led him for part of way. It was nice enough when we left home, but then the weather changed and it became quite stormy. I thought the guys could handle it, as I just had observed them on Saturday standing out in the pasture quietly grazing in thunder and lightning! 

My resident horse chouchoteur (whisperer) pointed out that of course the horses are quieter in a familiar setting with the option to seek shelter at the barn. Quite different on the trails when all off a sudden it looks like someone turned the lights off and put the fan setting on 'high'. Duh!

I didn't want to leave it on a shaky note, so today, instead of heading to our dressage lesson we hit the trails again. The sun was shining, all was nice and quiet - and sure enough, so were the four of us. Didn't need a chouchoteur to figure that one out...

And here is a special note for Michael: MY Remy drinks well water straight out of a hose - while YOUR Remy sips Veuve Cliquot out of Baccarat flutes ...LOL!

Remy says "A manly man drinks straight out of a hose... but I wouldn't mind trying some bubbly!"

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