Sunday, June 30, 2019

This is not the buffet line! - and "he looks like he ate Pesto"

Rain and heat = overgrown trails. The rain finally abated, and now we have summer heat. It means  that the trails are quite overgrown and the grass in the open meadows is high. What's a hungry horse to do? Remy asks. Snacking, of course!

While it was lovely on the trails I had my hands full reminding Remy that we are not cruising down the buffet line. I understand, buddy, it's tempting, probably like me standing at the dessert table. So despite my best efforts Remy happily cruised along with his snacks. At one point JP glanced over and quipped "he looks like he ate Pesto" (What does that tell you? JP is a foodie*!).

We did have a good week training, and so a bit of goofing off on the trails is easy to accept. I was very happy that Remy kept it together when a runner surprised us by coming up behind and not saying a word, thus startling Remy. She was lucky that he doesn't kick, and that I have a decent seat. Otherwise at least one of us would have gotten her!

*Foodie: A person with a particular interest in food; a gourmet.

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