Thursday, July 4, 2019

Take the walls away - and you have a different horse

Finally - the weather was decent enough this week to venture into the outdoor arena and the footing was just perfect.

I was amazed in the difference it made in Remy. He was forward, happy, and cruising along without reminders from your truly to keep that rear engine power coming. We are doing our "One-day snaffle / one day double" routine, and in the indoor Remy has a tendency to creep behind when wears his double bridle. Not so outside, he's taking me places there (and most of the time it's where I want to go).

We had some of the best extended trots today, and all I had today is keeping my core engaged. Roz gets a kick out of it when she has to remind me "don't be so surprised when it works!"

Happy 4th of July! And happy anniversary: Five years of citizenship!

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