Friday, July 12, 2019

Trash day - and "not everyone is cut out for a PhD"

On our way to the trails Remy made a beeline to our neighbor's curb: He had spotted two blue pool floats and was trying to pick one up. I convinced him to leave it (using my stern "Leave It" command usually reserved for Ziggy, our dog) and we continued on. Nevertheless, I thought if the trash hadn't been picked up by the time we came by on our way home I'd take them. Sure enough, the floats were still there, and it turned out - quite heavy.

One person's trash is another person's (horse's!) treasure

While the trail-riding went well, our last lesson before we were supposed to go to the Brave Horse Show was a bit of a disaster. All was well, until Remy decided that flying changes are really not that cool. On the change to the left he did his infamous "drop shoulder and spin" act and I got quite rattled. Nevertheless, he had to continue to work and JP commented that I always ride better when I am pissed. Still, when I got off I pretty much was a mess. I am more an more questioning if Remy has hit his ceiling, and upper level dressage (with the increased collection) is just not his thing?

My super practical friend Stephanie had a great analogy: "Perhaps Remy is happy in Skilled Trades, not everyone is cut out to be an academic". Hmm, definitely food for thought.

But if that's the case I will have to adjust my own ambitions and say good-bye to dressage shows. Another horse is not in the cards - after all, we have already four equine mouths to feed. It's not the end of the world, even though it seemed a bit like it yesterday. The end of the world feeling probably comes through a bit of depression I am going through, the delayed reaction to my dad's passing, and the aftermath. I did not allow myself to grief much and now it seems its catching up with me.

I'll have some thinking and re-assessing to do. Come to think of, I don't have a PhD either, but that didn't prevent me from being successful. But then, I chose my path, whereas Remy is pretty much stuck with my decisions.

So, if Remy wants to be a trail horse - what will I do with all that extra money and free time???

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