Monday, July 8, 2019

Barn cleaning day - horse people are hard workers

With Jan's passing the Down Under Stables is now officially owned by Ellen and Bob. It is Roz' training 'HQ', and Remy's college.

Over the years a lot of things had found their ways into the two barns. Jan was so frugal that it seemed she was just a few steps away from being a hoarder "well, we might use that again one day" was a common saying.

So it was high-time for a major cleaning. Luckily a crew of hard working and fun people showed up on a very hot and muggy day. And very lucky (for me) that Jean gave me a face mask. One look at the accumulated dirt, dust, and racoon droppings almost did me in, but hey -  horse people are (almost) fearless!
Taking a break from removing Racoon droppings

Men at work. Comment from Michael "Typical stance for this species"

Enjoying the BBQ (vegetarian sausages, yummy!)
Horse people are used to hard work - so what's cleaning out a few dirty barns? 
As long as you don't inspect our houses too closely...

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