Monday, June 17, 2019

Land Under Water - and "the work helps him to settle"

OK, Michigan weather is unpredictable, we all know this. But lately we just seem to have rain, rain, and then some more of that. It's been "Land Under Water" for way too long. I felt bad for the competitors at the show, slushing around in the water. Even though the footing at Waterloo is good, with the deluge lots of people were scratching their classes.

Remy settled in nicely, walked around and behaved like a champ. No sign of nervousness at all. So when the time was right (in our case it means the warm up arena was almost devoid of other riders) I took a deep breath and in we went. Remy looked around but then settled into the work. As Roz puts it "the work helps him to settle". We do have a warm up routine that seems to work well. After walk, trot, some shoulder-ins, half-passes, and canters we called it a success and a day! Yay!

It was also very rewarding for me that my clients' horses responded well to their bodywork sessions. Especially one horse improved considerably and that made me very happy. It's also remarkable (for me) how working on the horses calms me down. Win-Win all around.

Now... how about that sunshine??

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