Sunday, August 25, 2019

Everyone needs a pat on the back - horses included

It's amazing how happy a 'pat on the back' can make me. I am usually pretty sure of myself (JP begs to differ) but without the 'big wins' from my former corporate life I admit I sometimes crave some validation, or at least positive feedback. No, Remy, your feedback of giving me the hoof doesn't count!

Today I received a super nice email from a participant of the workshop I gave, telling me how much she and the other participants enjoyed it.  In addition, Sarah also rides Major, the therapy horse I have been working on. Major went from tense, tight and sometimes crabby to relaxed and happy. That just made my day! I am celebrating with a glass of champagne as I am writing this :-)

Yes, I should know that I am doing a good job, but still - it's important to get that positive feedback.

How often do we see horses that try their heart out and it's never good enough? One more time, one more time... until frustration sets it. I read the analogy of the rider asking "What day is it?", the horse answers "Tuesday". Rider asks again "What day is it?", horse says "August 13th". Rider asks "What day is it?", Horse says "August 13, 2019".... all correct answers, and still the rider asks. And one wonders why the horse gets frustrated! A pat on the back for the first answer "Tuesday" would have gone a long way.

Remy and Chambord got more than pats on the backs today. They each had a full bodywork session. Now my champagne clouded mind asks... what about me?? I knew it's Sunday :-)

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