Thursday, August 22, 2019

Is the onion finally peeled? - and a fun evening

Well, Roz and I have been carefully peeling the onion (Remy), and it seems we finally have a nice, clean result - without even shedding tears!

Chiropractic: Check
Bodywork: Check
Adjusted training: Check
New Bit: Check

The last layer was addressed yesterday: Saddle fit. I had the inkling that it was too tight in his shoulders again, as Remy was a bit reluctant to reach out. It also put me in a position I didn't quite like. Nothing dramatic, mind you, but Remy and I are just such "Princess and Princess on the Pea". So Luanne to the rescue! And sure enough, she confirmed that Remy had gained another centimeter over the withers which skewed the saddle fit. The difference the adjustment made was astonishing.
Yay, we might just be in full business again!

Last night I gave an "Intro to Equine Bodywork and Bladder Meridian Workshop" at Therapeutic Riding Inc. in Ann Arbor. What a great group of staff and volunteers: Interested, engaged, friendly, fun. And my demo horse, Major, was just a ham. He clearly enjoyed the audience of about 30+ people. I had worked on Major before, so I was familiar with him. Nevertheless, working with a horse in front of an audience is never a guarantee that things go according to plan. But Major was game (actually he seemed disappointed when it ended) and I left tired but very happy.

Check out to learn more about this wonderful organization.

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