Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Sister- and Brother- hood of the Traveling Trunk

Last week while working on a horse heat exhaustion hit me hard (ja, ja, Ingrid, ich hoere Dich!) and I was sick for almost an entire week. My usually very low blood pressure decided to stay in the cellar, who wants to come up in that heat, anyway?

Today we concluded the story of the 'traveling trunk'. It all started with Paulette's friend in Florida. She was looking for a good home for a lot of horse equipment. Paulette knew of my volunteering at TRI (Therapeutic Riding Inc.) and asked if TRI might be interested. Yes, of course!, came the enthusiastic answer from Jen and Jan.

So, how do we get this trunk from Florida to Michigan without spending a fortune? Even though it's late in the season for the horse migration back north I asked Jan, the owner of C&W Horse Transportation if she had a load going from FL to MI? Affirmative. Jan had a shipment going from Ocala to Michigan. And, as she generously put it, "it's for a good cause", she waived the fee. So now we have to find a way for the first leg - Wellington to Ocala, about a 4 hour drive. Paulette volunteered for this part.

And this is how the "Sister-and Brotherhood of the Traveling Trunk" played out:

Step 1: Paulette drives the trunk from Wellington to Ocala
Step 2: Jan picks up the trunk at a layover farm in Ocala, and takes it back to her farm in Michigan
Jan, owner of C&W Horse Transportation, picking up the trunk in Ocala

Step 3: JP and I pick up the trunk from Jan's farm and take it home
Guarding the prize

It took a lot of French muscle to load it

Step 4: I take the trunk to TRI
Step 5: Mission accomplished!
Jenn (Education & Outreach, Para-dressage coach)  and Jan (Program Director, Head Instruction, Equine Manager)
checking the bounty for the TRI horses

Voila - teamwork at its best!

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