We took the boys to Sandy's today, to continue our lessons and also prepare for the upcoming Waterloo show this weekend.
Before JP's lesson Sandy showed up with her laptop. She tried to get me to watch my tests from Traverse City before, but I always evaded her. I really didn't want to see my (perceived sub par) riding on screen.. So today Sandy 'forced' me, by insisting JP had to wait for his lesson until I watched the tape. No pressure here - considering my rather impatient husband. I cringed but then watched the ride together with Sandy. Hmm, actually, I have to admit, neither I nor Saumur seemed like we were out of our league. Actually we looked pretty darn good :-). Sandy pointed out the minor mistakes the marred the scores (not finishing the half passes, early flying changes, circles too big..) but really nothing that can't get fixed.
That really put things in perspective. I've been pondering quitting showing altogether, it is always such a struggle to manage it with my work schedule, but mainly because I am very hard on myself. I expect to be always on top of the game, and if that doesn't happen I beat myself up relentlessly. I also feel like I let everybody around me down with not being up to snuff. Now this will get me going at least until the next show ;-)
JP had a very good lesson. Chambord is a really nice mover, and once he gets his -quite substantial- body moving he looks wonderful. It is pretty amazing to see him work so well with JP, considering the rodeo bucks and race track gallops he performs so freely (so far, knock on wood, not under saddle!).
My lesson with Saumur was from the beginning very positive. Saumur started all ready to work, and Sandy focused on precision. She pointed out (for the umpteenth time it seems) that I have to be more consequent, to get immediate reactions to my aids, not "maybe's"and I have to be the boss. We can't both be leading at the same time. I do have to RIDE him. It really helps to ride in a slight shoulder fore position. Saumur has a tendency to swing his haunches to the inside, so be putting him in a slight shoulder fore it actually gets him straight. That also sets him up much better for the half pass.
JP and I decided that our good rides called for a celebration, so we headed straight for the ice cream place with the home made waffle cones. The boys had gotten their sugar rush from the ample carrot rations earlier, so we felt that in the spirit of equality we needed to have some sugar, too.
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