Good news first: Saumur won the 3rd level series championship (comprised of five shows) at Waterloo Dressage. Yeah!!! We got to do our victory lap to the tunes of "Ghostbusters" - very fitting! But I am jumping ahead...
Last Sunday we trailered the boys to Sandy's for lessons. It was one of my more frustrating moments, nothing really seemed to 'click'. As I had to leave for a business trip on Monday we left the boys at Sandy's until Tuesday night.
We took Saumur to the show Thursday night, after a struggle getting Chambord settled in time at his 'sleepover' with equine companions at Colleen's. As soon as JP and Chambord left, Saumur started to scream his head off. I was afraid he would come through the stall door. Argh, having two horses that do not want to stay alone is no fun. Good thing Saumur loaded fine and off we went. Which brings us the the above mentioned fitting music of 'ghostbusters'. Saumur definitely saw ghosts all over the place at the showgrounds. Sandy had her work cut out to keep both horse and rider in check and together.
First class on Friday we scored low, but then we hit the 65's! Wow. We got from both judges '8s' for our entry, halt salute, and one judge gave us a '9' for the turn on the haunches. Saturday another 65% in 3-3! We were done by noon, and JP was ready to load and go before I even had a chance to catch my breath (the man does not waste ANY time!). Luckily Carrie from the showoffice came up to me and asked that we stay for the awards ceremony because "You won the series championship, and by a large margin!" Well, of course, we stay and do the victory gallop!!!
It was so much fun, especially after all the hard work, ups and downs during the season, and the constant juggle to find time to do it all. And, yes, I have to admit, leaving some expensive imports "in the dust" was just the icing on the cake. Go Morgan!! I can't say it often enough that this success is really a team effort. Without Sandy we wouldn't have come that far, and yes, the encouragement (read: butt-kicking) from JP and Francis had a major impact, too. I am also truly grateful to have JP and friends that are there with encouragement when the going gets tough and to cheer me on when things are great. And to top it off: a horse that truly touches my soul.
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