It's almost perfect riding weather, only the pesky mosquitoes are a bit of a pain. Last night we took the boys out on a trailride and had a very relaxing time. I was wondering a bit how Saumur would deal with it, after having spent the last months less on the trails and more in the arenas. Turned out he took to it like he'd never done anyting else!
First we encountered our neighbor Jim 'speeding' on his lawn mower. Then, as we had barely hit the trails, a huge coyote ran right in front of us. And sure enough, Chambord took exception to some large boulders (that incidentally had the same coloring as he has). Hmm... But with some encouragement from JP he marched right by.
Further along we came across a buck and two does (men!), and as it goes with deer, they really waited until the last moment before deciding to go back into the woods.
Now that the season is over, it's time to look ahead. I really want to do a freestyle, that was my goal all along. A 3rd level freestyle and then showing 4th next season seems to be a good plan. There is a freestyle clinic coming up in November, and I am thinking of signing up. I rode with that freestyle designer before, and unfortunately things in the past didn't go so well as Saumur was spooking all over the place in the unfamiliar arena. Time to give in another try!
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