Our old tractor (that came with the house) finally spewed the last diesel fumes and numerous CPR attempts did not bring it back to life. It would have needed Dr. Frankenstein for a complete rebuild, and that seemed a bit too scary.
What’s a farm (even a small one) without a tractor? And frankly, JP had a roving eye for a long time, admiring all the tractors in the neighborhood. Well, as long as he just longs for a tractor – so I thought. Until the sticker shock hit! For the price of a small car we could own a multi-tasker with bucket, post-hole digger, tiller, etc… But then, how many post holes are we going to dig?? In the end, the case was made by a) a great deal, b) Michigan winters = snow removal and c) –most importantly- the maintenance of our outdoor arena!
Well, then, the shiny green thing moved in with us, lovingly tended to by JP. First job: use the tiller in our outdoor arena. I have to say, once JP was done the footing was awesome, never looked better or that ‘fluffy’.
We took the boys to the outdoor arena and let them loose (it’s all fenced in). Well, it seems we gave them the best late birthday/early Christmas present: A huge sand box to roll in!! And roll they did, both of them, grinding their whole bodies into to the sand, grunting, getting up, shaking, and going down for more rolling. I swear they were both smiling happily.
So, how’s that for a ROI?
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