Not having an indoor arena clearly is a handicap, especially in Michigan. Lately there seems to be rain, rain, and yes, some more rain. OK, our pastures are still lush but those of us who keep the horses at home are contemplating buying swimming fins for them.
Luckily our outdoor arena dries really quickly and the footing is good. Combined with the new tractor/harrow we can manage when others have already given up. But now that it gets dark earlier we have another problem to contend with: all the ‘monsters’ lurking in the shadows!
Yesterday I rushed home from the airport after a full day of meetings and travel, trying to beat the rain and the waning daylight. In order to make the most of the time I decided only to longe the boys. Well, I barely had the longing cavasson on Saumur when the rain started again. What the heck, I thought, we work in the rain at the shows, so this wouldn’t deter me. Saumur had other ideas, though, it looked like I had a three-year old (sorry, Remy) on the longeline. Saumur was dodging I don’t know what, craning his neck all around “what’s this, a deer? What’s it doing here??”
Needless to say, my efforts weren’t very fruitful. The best I can come up with is that a) Saumur got exercise, b) he finally had some semblance of relaxation and c) he is a certified ‘mudder’ – meaning he can work through mud and puddles without a problem. Guess I should be happy with the three good things.
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