The barn is ready for the new 'kid' to move in. I actually spend last Saturday vacuuming the entire barn! OK, that sounds kind of weird, especially as cleaning the house is not one of my favorite things to do. But give me the shop vac and point me in the direction of the barn and I am good to go.
The tack room also needed serious cleaning. I have to have a serious chat with Jerry, the barn cat. His performance review is NOT up to snuff. Too many chipmunk droppings clearly indicate a neglect of duties.
And where do all these saddle pads and blankets come from? Why can't they be clean and neatly folded in boxes? Hm, guess that one goes on my performance record --
So - everything is pristine, and now we wait for Remy to arrive. Initially he was supposed to leave Montana this Saturday, and then arrive here Monday or Tuesday next week. It is a three day trip (with overnight stops). Unfortunately, the father of Bob, who manages the horse transport, passed away, so the earliest they will leave is Friday in a week. I am very sorry for Bob, and then having to leave town so soon after is certainly hard. Bob has a full load of seven horses to take East. Usually his last trip of the year going East is in the beginning of October, then the weather (snow) becomes a concern.
Luckily I know Remy is in his familiar environment with Sally, Valerie and Ed. Life for him goes on as usual, no time to get 'travel-nerves'. I, OTOH, will be biting my nails once he is on the road. Event though Bob came highly recommended I still worry, mainly about all the other idiots in the road! Ever since a friend of mine got hit by a semi while trailering horses (thankfully all survived) I am restless when I know one of ours is on the road, doesn't matter if I am driving or not.
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