Monday, October 3, 2011

Back to lessons - and a twinge of homesickness

The weather last week was just awful: rain, rain, and more cold rain. We barely managed to fit in some short sessions in the sloppy outdoor arena. So Saturday JP and I -and the boys of course- made our way to Sandy's for lessons. It didn't bode well at the beginning, first the "check engine" light came on in the truck, then the storm/tornado sirens went off in Milford due to the gusting winds. Always being the cautious one, I contemplated turning around but JP was determined to get to his lesson.

Luckily the truck cooperated and the boys traveled well despite the high winds swaying the trailer. Saumur surprised me by being eager to work and not goofing all over the arena. I wasn't sure what to expect after a hiatus from being indoors. It seemed he was happy to be back to work, we could even work over light rays coming through the doors. Chambord was just the energizer bunny with JP. He trotted like on a mission.

The pang of homesickness came last night when I read an email from my friend Ingrid in Germany. She had just attended the annual stallion parade at the State Stud Farm in Marbach. I used to go there every year and always had a wonderful time. It is spectacular, and I truly miss events like this in the US. The Gestuet Marbach is one of the oldest stud farms in Germany, over 500 years old. The setting is in the country side "Schwaebische Alb", and during the annual "Stallion Parade" they not only show the stallions but also dressage, jumping, driving and some stunt riding. A crowd pleaser is always the herd of Arabian mares and foals presented free. I read the review this morning: 9000 people attended the 4 hour show with 150 horses. Ah, I really would have loved to be there. Ingrid wrote that as a 'consolation' she bought me a calendar, so at least I can look at the beautiful pictures.

But really, I shouldn't dwell on it too much: six weeks from now I will be on my way to my 'pilgrimmage' to the "Stuttgart German Masters", which is the largest indoor show covering Dressage, Jumping, Driving, and Eventing. The European elite riders will be there and I will get to see Totilas under his new rider. It is a great combination of wonderful things: Friendship and Horses!

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