Friday, November 23, 2012

When things just click when it counts - with lasting effects

While most of the country is out chasing Black Friday deals, I am watching horse videos. More precisely, the video of our ride with Jan Ebeling last week. I am so thrilled with Saumur,  he stayed focused and "on" the whole time. Actually, we both were "on" and things just clicked. That doesn't always happen, so it is definitely worth savouring.

Judy had talked with Jan about us beforehand, so Jan had a good idea of where we currently are with our training. He put a lot of focus on transitions, not changing gaits, rather transitions within the gaits. For example, from collected canter to several steps medium canter and back to collected canter. Saumur was required to go forward on his own, and I got reminders "light with the hands".

We worked a lot on the collected canter, with Jan pointing out that I should prepare for the walk - but just don't walk. I was working hard on getting Saumur more collected by having him on my seat and my abs engaged. At one point when Jan is persistently asking for "more!" I can be heard mumbling "oh, man". OK, probably now exactly what one should say to an Olympian, but it sure was hard work. So much so, that just watching the video now makes my abs contract.

Wonder if just watching the video everyday would make my core automatically more solid?

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