Sunday, April 7, 2013

A different kind of Spring Break - Dentist, blood tests, and shots

Remy and Saumur had time off during Spring Break Week. However, instead of getting wasted on cheap Tequila on the beaches of Cancum, the boys had a rather different vacation at home. Yes, they got to run and play with Chambord and Teddy, but the main reason for the Spring Break were dental and medical appointments: Dentist, Coggins, Spring Shots - and the only alcohol involved in these shots is the disinfectant put on the skin before the vaccinations.

First our vet pulled blood for the Coggins test and administered the Spring Shots, followed by "chill pill cocktails" for the dental work. As suspected, Remy's teeth needed serious work. Actually, worse than we thought. Doug, "Dr. Tooth" said that it was surprising that I didn't get bucked off: Hooks, Waves, and open sores (Ouch!!). Poor kid, I felt really bad for him, but I was happy that the issues taken care of. It was worse on the left side, which surprised me a bit because under saddle the resistance was more to the right.

Saumur needed adjustments on the right side, no surprise here, as we know that "Saumur likes his right rein" - and that's not a compliment, he used to get stiff, or hanging on the right rein. Chambord and Teddy were 'regular guys', nothing major for them, just routine maintenance. Teddy was so good, he didn't even need sedation.

The boys got time off to play for some days afterwards, and then Remy and Saumur went back to Judy's. Yesterday I took it easy, my ride on Saumur focused on transitions  transitions, and more transitions, and he was really attentive and listening. I got good changes right to left but not left to right. While frustrating I knew it was my problem, not Saumur's. I sure wish I could have felt the changes on a trained schoolmaster before tackling them with Saumur. But we are getting there.  Remy's workout was cavaletti work on the longe line, without bit, only a cavasson. He had fun, and looked like a little Hunter.

Good prep work for our lessons today. Saumur's good work from yesterday carried over, and Judy helped us getting the changes clean: Piece of cake - if you know what to do! In this case: collect, make him listen to the leg, and no throwing Birgit's weight into the new direction. I was rather tentative with Remy today, not sure what to expect. He was so much better than before the dental work, but still rather stiff to the right. We'll see how he is this week to determine if a follow up appointment is needed.

Ah, after this very busy week a Spring Break for the "Boss Mare" would be nice. In lieu of that: I'll take some shots - of the alcohol kind, please!

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