Monday, April 15, 2013

Back on track - and dealing with "Go and Stop" riding

Remy is back on track, the dental work followed by a chiropractic adjustment did the trick. Big sigh of relief!

Saumur also got the chiropractic adjustment, his hips always need to be worked on, which might explain his sometimes increased difficulties getting clean changes. For the first time ever, my little 'needle phobic' even got acupuncture (OK, granted, it involved keeping huge carrots coming, and he only tolerated half of the number of needles, but still huge progress).

So the boys are back on track and we had good lessons on Sunday. I finally picked the canter music for Saumur, a song by Adele was by far my favorite, but now I am wondering if it’s really a good match for the trot music? Something to ponder on the long flight to Europe tonight.

Yes, here we go again.. or better, here I go again. Off this time to France and Germany, back in eight days. Aside from the stress of business travel, I have a difficult time accepting this “go and stop” riding. Now that we are clocking along, and right when I feel like I can do a credible job I’m having this ‘forced break’ from riding. Sometimes I think I’ll never get to the niveau I am expecting of myself (and yes, it’s no secret – I am my own worst critic!). Thoughts like: “Show season is looming, I don’t have a completed freestyle for Saumur; and Remy still has ways to go, we’ll not be ready..” are creeping in.

Reality check: This is nothing new, I have been doing this for years, and despite the “go and stop” riding brought Saumur up the levels respectably. My support system is awesome. I know the boys will have wonderful care and make great progress in my absence with Judy; and JP is the “single parent to nine children” with a smile. Really, given the circumstances things couldn't be better.

And let’s not forget: The trip will not be entirely ‘non-horsey’: Shopping at Loesdau’s (Germany’s largest chain of tack shops) is a pretty good travel incentive!

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