Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring blues - do we really want to go home?

Looking at the calendar with the boys’ activities it hit me: Our full-time stay at Judy’s is coming to an end fairly soon. Where did the winter go?? Yes, it usually can’t pass fast enough, but in this case my feelings are rather mixed. I’m heading to Europe on the 15th, back just in time to leave for Rolex, at the end of the month, and then the boys are slated to come home. Already?! Seems rather suddenly! What do they say: “Time flies when you are having fun”. And fun we have! I have never felt so good about my riding; Saumur has never been that relaxed and happy away from home, and Remy made great progress over the winter. And let’s not forget the “dream team”: JP and Chambord. Those two have come such a long way, I am really amazed at the progress they made and I have a ton of admiration for all three of them (JP, Chambord, and Judy). If JP wouldn’t refuse to get into white pants J and if we could keep Chambord clean enough they would be serious contenders at Training level.

Just yesterday I received the choreography for Saumur’s freestyle, and more canter songs to chose from. The goal was to have the freestyle completed before we go home, guess we are cutting it quite close. Remy’s first show is coming up at the end of May, and the boy still needs to get more into the swing of things. Hopefully (cross my fingers, knock on wood here) it really is a dental problem, and one that will be fixed this afternoon!!

It’s not that we will be cutting the chord with Judy, au contraire, all five of us will frequently trailer to her for lessons, and the boys will have sleep-overs when I travel. Ops, did I really just write “all five of us”? Yes, guess that’s right: It went from a “one woman - one horse” situation to “one woman, one man, and three boys”!

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