Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Drawing parallels between 'guilty pleasure TV' and dressage shows

OK, I admit it: Even though I rarely watch TV I am fond of ‘Dancing with the Stars’… yes, yes, it’s cheesy, etc. The judging really reminds me of dressage shows. It is so subjective, and if you have a crusty old guy (Len!) then watch out. During one episode two judges gave perfect 10s while Len opted to give a 7. Sound familiar??

I am absolutely rooting for Kellie and Derek. The harmony is palpable and they are so completely in sync. I loved their comments last night when asked what makes their performances so outstanding: “You really have to trust each other completely on the floor”. There you have it: substitute “floor” for “arena” (or trail, whatever) and the performance will show it. It really hit home, because quite frankly, I don’t have absolute trust in either Saumur (spooks!) or Remy (green!). And in turn the boys most likely don’t trust me entirely either (hmm...emotional?!).

So, what did I learn from ‘guilty pleasure TV’? Trust:  We all need to work on improving and earning it!

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