Monday, May 13, 2013

Reflections on the winter work - how did we do?

Well, it is finally Spring in Michigan, a really beautiful time with everything in bloom and .. no bugs (yet!).  Saumur and Remy are now home and enjoy frolicking with Chambord and Teddy in the pastures.  

So, now is a good time to reflect on the work we did over the winter: (1) Did we accomplish what we set out to do? (2) Did we make progress? (3) Did the level of confidence of horses and riders improve? (4) And, very important: Did we have fun?

I can honestly say YES to all of the above! The five (yes, five!) of us learned a lot, made huge progress, and our levels of confidence increased. And yes, FUN was part of it, too.

It is very difficult to find the right person to work with as a trainer/instructor/coach. It’s a very personal relationship, with a lot of trust required on both sides. In addition, the chemistry has to jive; the work ethic, riding style, management of the horses, etc. etc. need to be on the same level. Now, that is a challenge for one person with one horse. In our case it got exacerbated: Two people with three horses. Good thing Judy was more than up to the challenge! She had me figured out pretty quickly (am I that transparent?!) and our personal styles are a really great match. And in times of stress: German chocolate and Nutella will do the trick.

Remy was a bit of a puzzle, and Judy patiently chipped away by eliminating the hurdles, i.e. teeth, accepting the leg, and switching from heavy egg-butt snaffle to a lighter lose ring snaffle. Saumur finally found his long lost confidence; and well, JP and Chambord are “pflegeleicht” = the easiest of our bunch. It’s just fun to watch them work together, and both have come a long way.

I am proud of all of ‘the boys’ – and I do enjoy sharing them (the four-legged ones only!) with Judy.

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