Saturday, July 20, 2013

Let me swap your mouth - no, it's not for a DNA test

"Remy, I need to swap your mouth with Q-Tips and I also need a piece of your mane".

Our small town is so horsey that we even have an Equine Homeopath. I had worked with Sue before, during Crissy's last years. So when Remy's diagnosis came I placed a call to Sue. It never hurts to get another opinion, even though some 'traditional' medical professionals frown upon homeopathy.

Interesting enough, when I told Sue about Remy's cataracts her first reaction was: It's a liver issue (Glenda, you were right on the money!), and she suspected that it was due to him being over-vaccinated. The equine vaccinations contain Aluminum and other metals that can be toxic to the liver. Sure enough, as I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, Remy had had a bad reaction after his Rabies and Rhino-Flu shots. In fact, it was so bad that JP dragged our vet away from his shower to come over and check Remy.

Sue grilled me on all other things in Remy's life, such as worming, diet, exercise, turnout, etc. My doctor never asks me such detailed questions during MY annual exams - but then I guess I would be offended if she would ask me about my worming habits :-).

Another potential issue could be that Remy's liver might have problems processing correctly the high fat content in his diet. I have him on a supplement that provides high fat to keep weight without the starch etc. I had talked with the nutritionist of the feed company, but I guess her recommendation did not take into account that Remy is not a 17+ hand German warmblood. So, we'll cut the fat, even though it's "good fat" meaning Omega 3s.

Sue recommended doing a metabolic profile to get a better picture. I felt like part of "CSI" or "Law and Order" swapping Remy's mouth with Q-tips and then bagging them. I'm sure Remy wondered what that was all about --  after all, his children are legit.

Let's see what the test results say. And hey, Remy, you don't have to be on Jerry Springer to find out!

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