Friday, July 19, 2013

Never a dull moment - and dealing with the unexpected

I haven’t written in a while, so many things going on…

Here is the gist:  Remy was still was fussy in the bridle a couple of weeks ago so I asked Judy’s vet to re-check his teeth, as I suspected that there might be some sharp edges left. Well, she called me with the good and the bad: Yes, there were some “mildly sharp edges” and he had an ulceration in his left cheek, which she took care of. No big deal. However, the big deal came right after: Remy was diagnosed with “mild cataracts in both eyes”! What the heck?? Remy is only 5 years old! I tried not to panic while the vet explained that I might have to take him Michigan State University to see an Equine Ophthalmologist. I tried not to panic (emphasis on “tried”), and called my own vet for a second opinion and also started to do some research in addition to ask my horse friends for advise and feedback.

Mike, my vet, alleviated some of my fears when he examined Remy. He noted that the light penetrates all through the eyes, so in his view Remy doesn’t have any problems seeing (yet). The recommendation also was that we’ll watch it and if needed get him to MSU. I also put a call in to the Equine Homeopath, waiting to hear back from her. Glenda, a dear friend and my ‘go-to’ person all things equine, suggested that there is a correlation between liver function and eye health. There are some studies that confirm this, so perhaps we can nip the progression of the cataracts in the bud. As soon as I know more I’ll post an update.

On the way to the Waterloo show last weekend one of our trailer tires completely busted on the freeway. The second time that happened on a trailer that has less than 1,000 miles on it. Very scary: due to construction there was hardly any room get away from traffic and change the tire. JP pulled it off, good thing he was there! And where are the cops when you need them? I called Onstar to send us help to secure the area and was told “no one is available”! I’m sure they would have been there if they could have given me a speeding ticket!

On the bright side: Remy and his “Aunt Jude” had a very good first show outing together. Even though Remy was a bit tense the lovely pair got a 68% and 3rd place at T-3 Open (in a class of 12). The second day Remy had to go in the scary Arena 5, broke twice in the canter during the trot work, and was generally distracted. Judy expertly piloted him through it, and they still scored a very respectable 66%.

Remy went home for well-deserved R&R after the show; and due to lack of trailer (it had to go to the axle manufacturer) and the heat everybody had an unscheduled vacation. It’ll be over tomorrow: JP is picking up a loaner from the dealer (thank you, Haylett), so we’ll have lessons tomorrow, and then Saumur and Remy are spending next week at “Judy’s boot camp”  while I’ll be in Mexico …. No, not on the beach… Working!

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