Remy and I certainly learned a lot. Remy: "Stay off the forehand", Birgit: "Watch your position", are among the key points. I might add another useful one: It's a bad idea to celebrate with champagne on a stomach that's only received a yogurt a day. (No, I'm not on a diet, I just can't eat when I'm nervous).
After Lamplight I really had some doubts about my partnership with Remy, and I am grateful that I had the support of Judy and JP all they way. They both believed in our team. With Judy taking over the training and the showing, Remy received a really good foundation.And that is absolutely key. How many good horses get ruined by riders and/or trainers rushing them through, the faster the better? Or just give up? A lot of these horses last one or two seasons, never to be seen again.
Judy mentioned this weekend that in all the years she never had a horse improving that much within five rides! Once Remy figures it out, it's there. Morgan-Power :-)
I also had to swallow hard this season on one judge's comment. But then, this particular person is known for being unstable and various complaints against her have been filed with the USEF. OTOH, the majority of the judges offered constructive criticism and encouraging comments.
The best comment, very fittingly, was after the last class. The judge peeked out of the judges box and asked "May I have him? He is lovely!" NO WAY, Lady! He's all mine!! :-) She must have been serious: the test scored 72.5%.
So: It's all good!!