Thursday, August 8, 2013

It's a dangerous world out there - Where is the bubble?

It started with a laugh, as the new assistant of the Equine Homeopath called to schedule an appointment to discuss Remy’s “biopsy”. Uh, last I checked I didn't take a piece of flesh out of him. Just some mouth and nasal swaps and a piece of mane.

Sue, the Equine Homeopath. reviewed the result with me in detail. No more laughs, as some findings were pretty worrisome. Remy tested positive for TB Aviary bacteria, which means a strain of TB transmitted by birds. Then there were all the chemicals (pollution) and metals (vaccination byproducts) in his system, plus an epithelial cyst (that’s the cysts in the mouth the vet pointed out, it’s still healing). I got paler by the minute, even though Sue assured me it’s not as grim as it sounds. Well then… the good news was that it seems there is not much concern regarding the cataracts!

So, Remy’s is receiving a Biofeedback medication, which is “bio-identical made from the submitted samples to enhance, supplement or detox the body – all working together to safely stimulate the body’s healing capacity. Some of the forms used are food supplements, phenolics, vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, nosodes, bach flowers and homeopathic”.

Sue also gave me a strong warning about vaccinations, as Remy already had a bad reaction she feels strongly that his body cannot handle them. (Ah, yes, Glenda, just as you said!). Remy’s adverse reaction came after the Rabies vaccination, which according to Sue, is the one the causes the most problems. She recommended I put it in perspective, and to consider that the risk of a horse getting rabies is about as high as being hit by lightning.

We have started to give Remy his Biofeedback, squirted into his mouth several times a day. Good thing he’s such an easy patient, and the formula: “Spray followed by Cookie” does the trick. Cross my fingers (and Remy probably crosses his hooves) that it works! Retesting is recommended in six to eight months. Right now to me it looks like my ‘worry-list’ got much longer (Any chance to get rid of the birds at the barn?? Is his –very expensive- Grass Diet Balancer contaminated? What about fly spray?…) Sounds like living in a bubble would be recommended!

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